The terms ‘Experiment’ and ‘Experience’ are two different words which convey meanings which are quite interesting as we look closely at them. Hence I choose to write on this topic for this month.
The difference is underlined thus:
By doing an Experiment we get a result for that action and can record the results. We can even tabulate the results of our experiments in a book. The same experiment if conducted any number of times will yield the same results. Also if an experiment is carried out in India and later performed in United States of America the end result will be the same no matter where it is conducted. If a satellite is sent to the moon by India or USA the trajectory will be the same and the Apogee and perigee will have to be strictly the same in order that the satellite falls into the Orbit where it is slated. Thus we can see in all instances with regard to performing an experiment by any one, at any place and at any point of time will give the same end result. We come to the conclusion that all similar experiments will produce the same results for everyone at any place and at any point of time. Experiments are repeatable. The end results are the same.
In the case of Experience, we feel the sense of experiencing, when one undergoes that phase during the course of his journey. Experience is a feeling that comes within oneself and the same is only for himself. The feeling is his own and it can be one of Joy or Sorrow, Pain or pleasure, good or Bad but it is his own experience which gives that feeling at that point of time. For Example if I see the Rain, it gives me a Joyous feeling and I experience a sense of Joy within me. On the other hand the same rain may not bring Joy to another person and he will hate the monsoon season when it arrives. He doesn’t like getting drenched in rain, and feels that he can’t go on muddy and dirty roads during rainy season and dirty his clothes which gives him an uncomfortable feeling. Thus we can see that whatever one experiences in his Life is a feeling for him only. Any other person may have an equally opposite feeling on the same subject which you feel happy about. We can then say that Experience is UNIQUE.
It is that uniqueness which differentiates Experiment from Experience. Experiment can be repeated and the end result is same. Experience is Unique and will produce different feelings for different individuals for the same incident. Though we may know the difference in our daily mundane life, I brought it out as the thoughts flickered in my mind during this month when I was travelling to Mumbai in India my home country which I deeply love and am proud of.
I sincerely solicit comments from all the readers of my Blog.