Sunday, August 2, 2009


In our daily mundane life we come across situations where we feel we have missed the goal in spite of putting our best efforts. The reason is that we are having good intention to achieve the end result desired. If we do not convert the same into proper action we cannot hit the target. Thus an intention is to be transformed into action to be successful in one’s pursuits.

Our intentions are the means to arrive at the end result that we desire. If our intentions are good the end result will be good and Vice versa. We can see that we cannot be guided by our intentions as it is only a feeling that is in our mind. Results are judged only by action in almost cent percent of the cases. Hence we should have a positive mental attitude and perform our duties confidently and bravely in order to achieve positive results.

Intention that arises in our mind has to be followed by proper and right action in order to attain success or else it will be fruitless even though our intentions may be right. That is why we have to choose performance over promise where you intend to promise and show performance by your action.

A few scenarios/ statements of intention (an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned action) are as under:

“I intended to finish the project before the due date.”
“I had every intention of being on time”
“I have been wanting to take a class, write a book or volunteer.”

The truth is that our intentions are clear and are all meaningful. The reality is even the most sincere intention has no value without action. The world is full of dreamers and lacks doers. If we put our intentions in motion we get into action mode.

Results are arrived at by action and not by our intention. Telling me you’re going to do something and not carrying it out is intention: it is not action. Our lives are shaped by what we do consistently. Few people actually do what they know needs doing. Any time you put momentum behind your plan you are already ahead of the crowd. The stronger your conviction, the stronger your action. For any intention to become a reality it has to be launched into orbit.

To get ahead you have to get started. While the majority of people have ideas: only a minority do something about them. Thinking about what you want to do or hoping something will happen, gets you nowhere. If you don’t make things happen, things will happen to you without your consent. Every action is a step that will increase your strength, your skill and your confidence. Getting started has its own reward. Action energizes. It strengthens one’s resolve to do more.
Putting your thoughts into action requires focus and determination. Begin where you are and go where you want to be. Implement a plan and get started. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Do what you’d rather not do to prepare for what you want. Choose performance over promise. Choose action over intention. If you involve you’ll evolve.

I am sure that my followers and other readers of this page will choose action based plan rather than intention based. Ultimately it’s the action that counts and will uplift you in your chosen field of activity. Be blissful.
