Thursday, April 4, 2013


The fourth chapter is known as Jnanakarmasanyasa Yoga.  This chapter consists of 42 verses and can be classified into five topics.

First Topic: Avatara Swaroopa. Incarnation. Verse 1 to 15.
Second Topic: Nature of self-knowledge and a wise person. Nature of Gnanam and a Gnani. Verse 16 to 24.
Third Topic: Gnana Sadanai. Disciplines required for the acquisition of Gnana and Moksha. Verse 25 to 34.
Fourth Topic: Benefit of knowledge. Gnana palam. Verse 35 to 37.
Fifth Topic: Qualification for knowledge. Gnana Yogyadha. Verse 38 to 42.

First Topic: Verse 1 to 15

Krishna said to Arjuna that he is teaching the scriptures to him (now). He tells Arjuna Quote “I taught in the beginning of creation to surya Baghavan the Vedic wisdom. Arjuna wonders how Krishna can teach him and surya Baghavan. Krishna tells Arjuna that ‘I’ and the teacher of surya bhagavan are one and the same. Both the teachers are Narayana Bhagavan. Krishna is the avataram of bhagavan.” Unquote. Krishna then talks about the birth of a living being and the birth of avatara. Difference between Jivas (janma) and bhagavan (Avatara). There are two common features between jiva and bhagavan. Both of them are Anadhi (beginning less). Second is both of them take bodies (sariram) at regular times and appear in this world.  Jiva taking a body is called Janma and bhagavan taking a body is called Avatara. Jiva takes body repeatedly because of Punyam and papam (karma). Eswara does not have Punyam and papam. Eswara takes a body because of the bhakti of the devotee. Prartana is the cause of Eswara taking the body. Karma is the cause of Jivas taking the body. The difference is the nature of jiva janma and eswara Avatara. Jiva is born a samsara out of ignorance. Eswara does not have ignorance (Punyam or papam). Eswara is not born out of ignorance. Eswara is not a samsari. The third difference is the purpose of taking the body. In the case of Jiva, it is for exhausting the Punyam and papam. Eswara takes a body not for exhausting karma but for destroying Adharma and establishing dharma for the protection of Dharmic people.  The fourth difference is the very nature of the body of Jiva and eswara, which is the difference in material. Jiva sariram (Bouthika sariram) is made up of pancha bootham. There are procedures by which we acquire the body. In the case of Avatara, it is directly created out of Maya. Intermediary procedures / steps are not involved. Whoever understands the real nature of Eswara avatar will also get liberated.

Second Topic: Verse 16 to 24

This is the main topic of the fourth chapter / entire Gita (topic on spiritual knowledge). Krishna’s message to every individual is a mixture of two components, which cannot be physically separated but has to be grasped. Consciousness principle is the first component. Second component of an individual is the agankara. The ego (individuality). Ego consists of three portions. The physical body. The emotional mind. Both are inert in nature. Body mind material borrows consciousness from the atma. It becomes sension body mind complex, which is called agankara (the individuality). Self-knowledge is distinguishing these two components within me. I am a mixture of atma and agankara. Atma is Akartha and Aboktha. (Non-doer and non-experiencer).  Agankara is Karta and boktha and therefore never free. (Always karma attaching; Punyam and papam constantly giving experiences). My aim is to understand Atma, which is the higher nature and is the real nature. Agankara, which is the lower nature, is not my real nature, which I can use for transaction, but I should not get too much involved in that. Knowing and remembering my higher nature ‘Atma’ is alone called atma Gnanam. What is the benefit of this knowledge? First advantage is as ‘Atma’ I am ever purnaga. I enjoy fulfillment and contentment. Second benefit is because of poornatvam, it serves as the greatest shock absorber to face any situation and problems. He enjoys samatvam. He can face success and failure with equanimity.

Third Topic: Verse 25 to 34 (Gnana Sadanai)
This is presented by Sri Krishna in the form of 12 Yagna. Krishna indicates that all sadanas must be practiced reverentially with bhakti.

1.    Deva yagna – Varieties of poojas that we do.
2.    Vishayaboga yagna – whenever taking food we should take it with reverence (offering to the lord).
3.    Indriyanigra yagna – we should not become a slave of sense organs.
4.    Mano yagna – We should not be a slave of our mind (remove bad thought).
5.    Dharvya yagna – sharing our possession with others (prayer, time, food).
6.    Tapo yagna – Practicing some type of austerity. I forgo some type of comfort voluntarily. Upavasa yoga; not taking salt for a day or length of time.
7.    Yoga yagna – Practicing yoga, Asana, Pranayama.
8.    Swadhyaga yagna – Parayanam of scriptures. (sahasranama, Vedas)
9.    Gnana yagna – Study of supportive sciences. For Vedanta study, what other knowledge is required. Allied sciences, language and how to do pooja.
10. Pranayama yagna – Practice of pranayamam. Breathing in and breathing out slowly.
11.  Agaraniyama yagna – Taking food at a particular time and not at any time.
12. Atma Gnana yagna – The study of vedantic scriptures. Spiritual education program. Study of Bhagavad Gita then Upanishads followed by Brahma sutra. 

Fourth Topic: Verse 35 to 37 (Four types of Palan)

Moksha is described in four different forms. Freedom from conflicts in life. Conflict is because we want to take a decision, which will be definitely successful. Gnana gives strength to take bold decisions and facing result with equanimity. Conflict is because of lack of courage. Second form is freedom from all papam. Sarva papa nivirthigi. Third form is bedha nivirthigi; Jevatma Paramathma difference is removed. Karma yoga is dasogam bhavana. Gnana yoga is converting to sogam bhavana. Bhakta Bhagavan distance is removed. Fourth, is sarva karma nivirthi; removes all Punyam and papam. These are the four fold benefits of Moksha because of Gnanam.
Two examples:
Samsara suffering is compared to a vast ocean. We are struggling in the middle of the ocean. To cross the ocean Gnana serves as the powerful boat or raft.
Gnanam is the most powerful fire, which can destroy all our karmas accumulated in our past karmas. Thus, Gnanam is fire. 

Fifth Topic: Verse 38 to 42 (Yogyadha or qualification)

There are two main qualifications required in order to accomplish a goal. First is commitment. It should not be a halfhearted approach. It should be a participatory one like listening to Gita with sincerity. Pray to god let me become a serious listener. Second qualification is Shreddha. Faith in the validity and efficacy of this teaching empowered the lives of many peoples. I should consider attempting this. One disqualification is doubting or skepticism. Skepticism is the most unfortunate obstacle. One who does not have faith in scriptures will perish. Paraloka means the life after the present life. Being skeptical about everything is also a sin. Skepticism is also not good. Doubt is the worst intellectual enemy. Life is a drama. It should be given importance and 
not over importance (3rd Chapter).
