Tuesday, September 4, 2018


All the puranas contain a message, which is fundamentally given in Vedas. Vedas are the original scriptures called Sruthi. All other scriptures are called Smrithi and derived from Vedas. Smriti is “that which has been remembered” supplementary and may change over time.

The aim for Veda Vyasa is to promote Vedic teaching through purana. Uddhava Gita is a part of Bhagavatha purana. Veda purva focuses on Dharma sastra. Veda anta focuses on Brahma sastra.

The equation is
Sat Gunani (noble thinking) + Sat Karmani (noble action) + Sat Bhavana (noble attitude) = Dharma sastra.

Being a Vaidiga, we have to follow dharma sastra. Omission of duty called Dharma will attract papam and one will forfeit being born a human. Dharma if followed will give all kinds of benefits. It is an all round well being for you. Spiritual growth is an invisible internal transformation. Desire for spiritual growth should be there within you. The very desire for gaining spiritual knowledge is due to Dharmic way of life in your previous janma. The opportunity for gaining spiritual knowledge will come to that person who follows Dharmic way of life. If you have the interest within you and the opportunity comes for you then spiritual knowledge is not far away from you. Dharma sastra gives Gnana yogyada. Brahma sastra will give Gnanam. Uddhava Gita contains both Dharma sastra and Brahma Sastra. Avadhuda Gita is inside Uddhava Gita.

Scriptural study is not for information. Scriptural study is for transformation in my thought, word and deed (action).

Quality of life depends upon what I am and not what I have. Possession does not give quality but depends up on my way of living. Our tradition considers our internal transformation as the most important.

Our janma is to exhaust our punya papam. Let us learn to endure and move on, gain self-knowledge, and transform ourselves.

Be blissful.
