ஆத்மா என்பது என்ன?
ATMA is a subject and to know what is Atma, we need God's grace. We see the object only which is Body, Senses, Mind complex and take it as "I".
Atma cannot be objectified. Atma is a Subject. Atma is behind the body, mind, senses and is a witness of all actions. A movie is projected on the screen. Screen which is the back up is Atma. You remove the screen there's no movie. In the absence of ATMA there's no Life.
We see the Rope and take it to be a snake. We see our body, sense organs, mind and take it to be ourselves. In Vedanta philosophy ( Atma) is a Subject. To know the subject is to know Vedanta. Keep Atma Gnanam on one side. Keep Materialism on one side. We have to do both of them Parallel, at the same time.
"Aham Atma eva" has to be uttered putting your hand on the Chest as you do during Sandyavandanam time. Then, you will start living consciously.
For an Agnani, ignorance is Bliss. For a Gnani ( who knows Atma), knowledge is bliss.
In our Life, there will be situations which are confusing. You will be deluded like Arjuna. It's a situation like:-
- To be Or not to be
- To do Or not to do will come for all.
Knowing what is 'ATMA' will help us to know that everything happening is MAYA. Then we will keep our head above the water. For getting Gnanam, we should have Chitta Suddhi. ATMA ஞானத்தை அனுசன்தானம் பன்னனும். Atma gnanam will help us during Crisis situations. It will come as a Flash, Satori. You will get a paradigm shift and do things with awareness and clarity.
I repeat the often repeated words here:-
- Life is a Blessing for a Sanyasi (Gnani) - Life is a Curse for a Samsari
- Up's and Down's are a part of Life
- Always keep Smiling is an Art of Life.
Be blissful.
S.Sekar - On a Spiritual path
Cat has nine lives but I have only one Email: