Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Great Thought- Words create your world - Resolve for NEW YEAR

I am sure all of you had a great NEW YEAR celebrations, Wishing your near & dear – over phone, email, what’s app, SMS, in person… I am sure there were many exchanges of thoughts, ideas, resolutions, reaffirmations etc.

Words have the power to make or break you. Attitude is shaped by your thinking and your very thinking is shaped by your words. Your words create the fabric of your reality.

Utter the following words and observe the feelings they kindle in you
Flowers, Rainbow, Buddha, Darling, Baby, Excellence, Wonderful, love, friend, gift

Now utter the following words and watch your feelings change
Volcano, Osama, Testing times, Betrayal, Revenge, Failure, grave, war, thorn, graveyard, betrayal

• Replace “ Problems” with “Challenges” and watch the difference 
• Replace “ Failure” with “ Opportunities to learn” and watch the difference
• Replace “ Contentment” with “ Most and More” and see the difference 
• Replace “ Give up” with “Go up” and notice the difference 
• Replace “ Failure” with “ Lessons learnt” 
• Replace “ I spent time” with “ I invest time” 
• Replace “ okay with “ Fine”

Word has the power to make or break. Attitude is shaped by thinking and thinking is shaped by words. Words create the fabric of reality. They give voice to your thoughts.

Words are the flowering of your thoughts. The quality of vibrations is carried in your words. You will unlearn the words create guilt and learn the words that create celebrations. You will unlearn the words that limit me and learn the words that create you.

Create your own dictionary of words and expressions by replacing “Limiting Vocabulary” with “Resourceful Vocabulary”

The new year 2016- Our Resolve
Nothing but the words that create a flowering in my heart and in the hearts of those who hear my voice will come out of my tongue.

Also, remember everything that comes out of Human being stinks. From sweat, to blood to urination to… everything stinks. Only thing that comes out of a human that can be sweet are his or her words.

Your words create your world. So resolve to tongue the right words and your words will build your world.

Wishing you most and more

Have a wonderful day & great week

Your WORLD – Jeffrey Rachmat.

Be Blissful



  1. Thank you Sir, for helping me to see the world through a new eye ........

    1. Thank you for your comment. Keep reading this blog. Wishing you a Happy New Year with Progress, Peace and Happiness.
