Saturday, January 17, 2015


We should understand that the entire world is in the infinite Vishwarupam of the lord. The entire space is the body of the lord. In Upanishads, we get this description of Vishwarupa varnana.

Vishwarupa dharshana is not an extraordinary form of the lord. It is an extraordinary way of looking at the Universe itself as the body of the lord. World as the body of the lord is already available in front of me. It need not appear newly since it appears all the time. We do not experience the world as the body of the lord. We only experience the world and so we don’t have vishwarupa dharshanam. We require two qualifications for Vishwarupa dharsan. One is we require Gnanam and the second is Sanskara which is refinement of the mind. In Hinduism Sanskaras or Samskaras are the imprints left on the subconscious mind by experience in this life or the previous lives. These Samskaras then colour our life, nature, responses, state of mind etc. “Whenever an action is performed by a person with the desire for a specific result (whether for oneself or another), sanskara is created. These accumulate and determine the situations with which we will be presented in the future and will influence the scope of future actions”. Gnanam makes us understand that God is the cause of the Creation. Universe is the product of Eswara. Cause alone expresses in the form of varieties of things. Bagawan is the cause and world is the effect. Bagawan alone with different names and forms is appearing as universe. Bagawan with names and forms is called the universe. Even though we use ornaments such as bangles, chains etc, we know all of these as gold.  We have gold darshan only.

When I experience the product, I don’t see the Karanam(cause). Even though the entire world is the body of the lord eventually, Bagawan is the owner of the entire creation. I don’t accept the entire creation to be owned by the Bagawan. I claim ownership with respect to a few things, few people, property etc. This is because, ‘I’ have got mamakara. Once I claim ownership of possession, I want to take control of them. The problem is that I don’t have control over anything at all. When I try to control the uncontrollable, anxiety is inevitable. I have trespassed into the property of the lord. Bagawan’s prosecution is our mental stress, strain, fear, anxiety etc. If only I remember that I don’t have ownership, I can’t control anything and that I can only contribute, my life will be a blessing and also peaceful. I can raise the children properly. What they are going to do is not in my control. Do not control in every stage of their life.

Pray to God; O lord whatever happens according to the law of Karma let it happen. Let me do whatever I have to do all the time. Let me do my duty, relax my mind, and enjoy the wonderful Vishwarupa. Reduction of Ahamkara and Mamakara (I and mine) and reduction of Raga Dvesha (likes and dislikes) is required for having viswarupa darshana all the time. Lord Krishna blesses Arjuna’s mind Divya Chakshu (third eye). Krishna made Arjuna experience the Vishwarupa Eswara, which is the attitude towards the world itself as explained above.

Krishna tells Arjuna, “With your own eyes you will not be able to see my cosmic form. I will bless you with divine eye Viz., Divya Chakshu and you can see me”. Because of Ahamkara and Mamakara factors, our mind gets narrower and narrower. We are always preoccupied with something or other and we don’t have time to appreciate the Vishwarupa Eswara. We don’t appreciate the trees, flowers, which are, present everywhere in nature. We always worry about a few things centered on Ahamkara and Mamakara; our mind gets subjective, and we look at every event as Ahamkara and Mamakara. Once we eliminate them, we can live in the present. Everything becomes glorious and holy if we have the right attitude. Karma yoga and Upasana yoga helps to overcome Ahamkara and Mamakara and remove that narrow mind. Three ingredients make our mind preoccupied. They are Raga (attachment), Soga (grief) and Moga (delusion / conflict).

The Body of the lord is all pervading Akasa (Taittiriya Upanishads). The space (Akasa/ Sky) is the body of the lord. The infinite space is available all the time. There can be only one all pervading space. We have to read books on Astronomy to know about stars and outer space. The nearest star is Surya or Sun. During summer, we even cannot see the Sun. Surya is only an ordinary star. There are stars above the sky, which are brighter than Surya or Sun god. We can compare the size of our planets to stars in the outer space, galaxy etc.

Life is a unique opportunity given to us by Bagawan. We have to enjoy the presence of Vishwarupa Dharshan. Once I look upon world as Eswara itself, my attitude to the world is one of reverence only. Since the entire universe is contained in the body of the lord, I am in the presence of the lord. I am in the very lap of the lord all the time. Just as a wave need not do anything to enjoy the presence of the ocean. The waves are always in the presence of the ocean. So also, I am always in the presence of the lord.

I should not claim ownership of anything as everything belongs to Bagawan. He can take anything from me without prior notice. I am only the user of what Bagawan has given me. When you claim the ownership of body and mind, it is called Ahamkara version of ownership. When I claim to possess something or someone Viz, my husband, my children, my things, it is called Mamakara. Ahamkara and Mamakara become an obstacle in appreciating bagawan as absolute.

Every experience in our life is coming from the world consisting of things, beings and experiences (varieties of situations). Until you go to bed, it continues. We react differently to situations based on our Raga, Dvesha, Kama (entertainment), Krodha and Moga. We are tension ridden all the time. This is a typical human mind. For a Vishwarupa Bhakta, all of these are not things, beings and situations. They are all Eswara vishwarupa. World does not give me experiences. Only God gives me experiences. Whatever god gives me is fair. There is nothing unfair in Bagawan’s treatment. I get what I deserve according to the law of karma. Whatever Bagawan gives is prasada. I should accept that without any complaint. This awareness is there for a Vishwarupa Bhakta (Nishkama Bhakti 9th Chapter of BG).

The more you see the creation the more wonderful it is. No organ of our body can be created by anyone. You can only take precaution with regard to an Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane, Storm etc, but you cannot prevent them from occurring. It is the work of Nature (Bagawan).

Arjuna, filled with wonder, bowed down his head (Fear of seeing a huge form of lord) to the Lord and spoke with joined hands (Showing Bhakti). Our eyes are capable of experiencing only Boologa (earth). Arjuna saw beyond Boologa with extended vision spatially and time wise. He could see the future Mahabharatha war in a symbolic form. He saw the all-pervading Vishwarupa. Whatever arrives and departs is finite only. His vision is described as a circle with circumference everywhere with center in all places, which means it is infinite.

Divinisation is required for spiritual growth. From Eka rupa to Vishwarupa to Arupa (No form), understanding of Bagawan is compulsory.

Be Blissful.


SEKRAS >>>>>>
