Monday, December 7, 2020

Covid-19 time for reflection, rejuvenation and restoration.


The four main pillars of mainstream spirituality are that the formless cosmic God belongs to all; divine revelation is possible through a genuine master; rites and rituals cannot by themselves help us gain divine knowledge; and all true masters who blessed seekers with revelation of the one formless supreme power; promoted qualities of humanism, altruism, humility, love, mercy, compassion and service. Al prophets, scriptures and their messages that transcend divisions, belong to entire humanity.

Religion essentially means knowledge of God. In the absence of actual knowledge, God is different for different persons and for the same person on different occasions. The concept of one God for all, foresees the idea of one religion for all that suits the whole human race.

Mata Sudikshaji Maharaj, present spiritual head of sant Nirankari Mission says, “The world needs to be united as a family, accepting and loving each other.” The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the whole world to ‘shut down for renovation’. A time for reflection, rejuvenation and restoration. Restoration of enlightened faith holds out the promise for a happier world eagerly waiting for a ‘grand opening’.

Be Blissful.


