Saturday, February 4, 2017

Sharing a post from a female in a lighter spirit

A new metal has been added to chemistry:

Name - Husband

Symbol - Hb

Atomic weight:
- Light when found first
- Tends to get heavier over the years with time

Physical properties:
- Boils at any time with in-laws
- Can freeze in front of his own family
- Melts when sees mom 
- Very bitter if questioned

Chemical properties:
- Very reactive
- Highly unstable
- Possesses strong resistance to gold, silver, diamond, platinum, credit cards and      cheque books
- Money saving agent

- Mostly found in front of TV(snoring), laptop or with a cell phone

--Living with Hb is part of living...

But living with the same Hb for years is 'art of living'!!!!!!! 

Be Blissful.

Working Together Works - Aligning Capabilities