Dharma Shastram:
What if I missed getting up before sunrise or reach home in
evening after Sunset ? Can I do Sandhyavandanam ?
_Uttama tu Sannakshatra madhyama luptataraka.
Adhama Surya Sahita pratah Sandhya tridha mata_
☀ The best phalan/merits of Sandhyavandanam will be
when you perform it when stars are still shining (San-nakshatra)
in the early morning or pre-dawn.
Medium phalan/merits/benefits will be there when stars
are gone and Sun is about to rise, and lower phalan or merits
will be when you perform Sandhyavandana after Sun has
fully risen.
☀For the evening Sandhya time starts 48 minutes
before sunset. And best phalan will be when Sun is still shining,
medium when sun has set and lower if you perform after
stars appear.
There is a concept in Dharma Shastra that the karma
should not go waste. So it says that *not doing Sandhyavandana
will incur maha papam* so even if we get lower phalan still
perform sandhya whatever time so that the daily duty is discharged
although it may carry lower merits. It's just like *being promoted
to next class with just pass marks (35%), while doing Sandhyavandanam
on time is similar to passing exams with flying colours (95-100%).
The high scoring people get admission in the best colleges, best
companies as their karma phalan (they worked hard, they
stuck to timetable to study) is more.*
Therefore *perform Sandhyavandana even if you are late*
Be blissful.