Thursday, September 2, 2010


The joy of childhood is immeasurable. We should feel lucky that we had experienced something called childhood.

The joy of getting into the right college. The thrill of bringing home your first pay cheque. The warm glow of a picture-perfect wedding day. The fulfillment of building a better life for your family is a thing which stands in your mind eternally. The transformation that goes on from being a child and becoming an adult from passing out of the portals of an institution and getting a life partner after marriage and building a bond in the family.

There is a saying that we can see god in every child as god can be seen in the smile of a child. Though I say that childhood is an important factor in everyone’s life, I didn’t have the opportunity of a memorable childhood. That shows up in your life when you grow old and you don’t tend to show any pleasure when you see a child unless under compelling situations. I am doubly convinced that it is the solemn duty of every parent to show affection and give their children all the happiness even during the formative years and continue the same eternally. This creates an indelible impression on the child about their parents and grows into a bond which will last for ever.

Childhood is a stage like “ignorance is bliss” and where you aren’t exposed enough to the harsh realities. The world appears to be a very good place. When we reach adulthood, like it was said, all this innocence gets lost and we get to face a harsh and a stern test with reality. Then you reach a stage of saturation where you get to feel that you can get the good things out of life and ignore the bad. So this feeling can again drive us back to childhood days, the difference is that we have attained an understanding. So we would start to cherish those lighter moments and ignore the bad ones. The one who attains this faster will have a chance to see the world yet again full of unimaginable kind of magnificence.

A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special moment that will last for ever. Childhood memories are such beautiful feelings, which can excite anyone. It’s something, which puts smile on your face and you crave to go back to those lovely days. I know it’s not possible to go back into your sweet childhood days again, but you can definitely cheer your life with those lovely memories. Childhood memories are some of our most precious memories we possess. Certain people like our parents and grand parents played a pivotal role in the creation of those memories.

Lastly, what is it about our childhood that as adults we tend to look back at so many fond memories? I don’t think that it has anything to do with being born rich or poor, but rather just being a child exploring everything new. When we reflect on our childhood, we tend to forget the bad, and only think of all the good times. We think of the close bond we had with our parents, our brothers and sisters as may be the case. Festivals, Functions and birthdays are especially the fond memories that you may recall. We always say things just aren’t the same anymore. That is true. They are not. We are not children anymore, and to say that things are not the same, it is only to us that it feels that way.

As parents we should give our children happiness and see joy in their faces under all circumstances. Remember it is not only the child but you also can have fond memories in your old age. Let all of us remember the proverb “As you sow, so you reap” and create harmony at home and make our children happy for only in happiness we attain bliss.


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