Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We should know about “ATMA” in order to understand what happens to our Life after death. ‘Atma’ is all pervading and it enlivens the body. Atma is ekam (one). Bodies are many. For example Fans are many; bulbs are many. Electricity is one. So also ornaments are many but gold is only one.

We should know that non perception (of atma) is not a proof for non existence. Atma itself doesn’t die. It pervades all objects like ether. Even God cannot destroy this Atma. Atma is Changeless and permanent. Atma is eternal and Atma is Satyam (truth) and is only one. Gold by itself has no utility. Gold ornaments are useful than gold itself. On analysis we find that there is no such thing as ornaments at all. Ornaments do not exist separately from gold. Ornaments do not have weight of their own. They are nothing but different forms of gold. They depend on gold for their existence. Gold can exist independently and is called Satya. Similarly Atma can exist independently and due to the blessings of Atma the body functions. We can get uninterrupted Peace, Security and Happiness only from Atma. It is foolish digging a well when the house is on fire. You have to prepare yourself. You can use the body but never mistake the body as yourself.

Death is not the destruction of the body. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. What does death or destruction mean? The body will get converted into pancha bootha. (Three handful of ash). Death is a total transformation and a form of change. The changeless, homogeneous Atma or the self always exists. This phenomenal world of names and forms is ever changing. Hence it is unreal. For example we say that I am a Youth. I am middle aged. I am old. There is one thing which is continuing i.e. “I am”. If ‘I’ continue during the modifications then this should continue during death also. What is changing must be unreal. What is constant or permanent must be real. Thus if Atma is nithyaga body is anithyaga. If atma is nirvikaraga (Changeless) anathma is Savikaraga (Changing).

Kartha is a doer of action and is associated with Karma. As long as I am a kartha I will produce punniyam and Pavam. Sanchitha punya pavam is associated with our past janma (birth) which we may not remember. Non remembrance is not non existence. Prarabhda karma and Agami are also connected with our punya pavam. Boktha is an enjoyer of actions. As long as you are a Kartha and Boktha your life is bleak and you get into Samsara problem.

Life and death will be a mystery. Both are caused by mysterial spiritual chaitanya thatvam. As explained before Atma is eternal and Body is temporary. Atma exists in the present and will continue to exist in the future. Atma exists independently and does not depend on matter principle. Space pervades the entire universe and Atma the consciousness is only one. Atma is Akartha and Aboktha and doesn’t have connection with Karma or Karma Palan. Atma is the safe centre eye of the cyclone. Anywhere you go, the cyclone will affect you.

Atma is the spirit and anathma (Body) is the matter. Matter or material is subject to continuous change. Physical body is also a material product and is subjected to the onslaught of time. Physical Body has got Date of birth (DOB) and Date of death (DOD). Unlike Atma, the physical body undergoes six types of transformation or Bhava – Vikaras such as potential existence (mother’s womb), birth, growth, change, decay and death. Atma is not born, nor does it ever die; after having been, It again ceases not to be; unborn, eternal, changeless and ancient (ever remaining the same). It is not killed when the body is killed. Birth and death cannot touch the immortal, all-pervading Self (atma).

Other than Physical body there are two more components in an individual. Physical body is called Stula sariram that which is visible to us. Another body is the inner body a subtle body which is called sukshma sariram which has invisible mind and the invisible prana. Another body is causal body called Karana sariram which is also invisible. Karana sariram is the store house of all our punya pavam. This is also finite in nature. Sukshma sariram and Karana sariram put together is invisible body. Then we also have the Atma the spirit which is the real nature of our self. Thus an individual consists of the visible body plus the invisible body and the Atma. The invisible Atma is infinite and all pervading. Visible body and invisible body are made of matter and energy. Both are inert in nature. Atma is consciousness principle.

When death occurs we kill the visible body alone. The invisible Atma or Atma1 (absolute reality and spiritual) will survive. Atma1 which is infinite does not travel after death. Atma2 which is finite travels after death. Atma2 is different from one individual to another.

From the above we can see that the visible and invisible bodies or otherwise Atma2 borrow consciousness from Atma1 and therefore the body becomes a living sensation principle. Atma is of the nature of consciousness itself called spirit. Atma is neither matter nor energy nor material. Atma is inert.

What happens at the time of death?

The visible body dies/ perishes. It is cremated or buried and it merges into pancha butham. The invisible body (mind+Pavam+punniyam) goes in search of another visible body. The definition of death is separation of the invisible body from the current visible body and going in search of another visible body. Atma blesses the invisible body with the consciousness. The invisible body (mind+ Prana+Punya pavam) is also named as Atma because it is blessed by the Atma and borrows the consciousness from the Atma. The invisible Atma that is not pervading and which is finite and travelling is also called Atma. When a person does shrarddam and performs prithruyagna the benefits will go to the forefather. The second benefit by doing this karma yoga which will help in our own spiritual growth.

Atma pervades all bodies and enlivens all bodies. Electricity pervades all gadgets and makes them function. Even though the gadgets are many and endured with form, it will not function unless electricity blesses it. Atma is a consciousness principle. Krishna defines Atma to Arjuna in the second chapter of Bagavad Gita. Death is defined as the separation of the body and Atma2 (Soul). Atma will take up another physical body. Birth and death are only the change of costumes. The jeeva continues. Death is entering the green room and birth is coming back to the cosmic drama enacted by the Bagawan.

The world has got beauty, variety and novelty but no stability. You cannot hold on to what is unstable. It is foolish to rely upon name, fame, position, people, money etc. You can use the world for everything but for security you should depend on something else which is stable. Anathma is unstable. The one and only thing which is stable is “ATMA” which is abstract and invisible. It is described in scriptures as Bhagavan which is a symbol. Rama is a symbol of Atma. Krishna is a symbol of Atma. What I mean to say is that, we can use the world but hold on to God. Atma is your inner essence. Hold on to Atma and enjoy life.

Be blissful.


Contact: sekrajc@yahoo.com


  1. my sister passed away.She had a mental illness, and took her life. What happens to her soul, and how many days does the soul stay with her loved ones?

  2. it's all bullshit... There is noooo atma... No Life after death...

  3. Rajenderji. Don't fear.we do exist after death. Read Roger Penrose and Stuart Hamroff on quantum consciousness.

  4. Rajenderji. Don't fear.we do exist after death. Read Roger Penrose and Stuart Hamroff on quantum consciousness.

  5. My brother in law passed away. Where has gone

  6. My brother in law passed away Dr Pawan Khedwal. Where he had gone.
