Friday, January 6, 2012


When we apologise for the mistakes done by us, we expect the other person should forgive us no matter how big our mistake was. But have we ever thought that had it been us in that place would we forgive and forget the same way we want them to forgive us? Most people will not, simply because they do not know the real meaning of forgiving.

We should develop the quality of forgetting what has happened and forgiving others mistakes. This is the only way of building relationships. There is a saying which goes thus; man gets and forgets where as god gives and forgives. Forgiving is a great virtue that one can possess. Thus by forgiving we no longer hold anger toward a person who has wronged us and by forgetting we no longer associate the person with the offence.

To learn to forgive requires a person to be extremely strong and powerful. Forgiving and forgetting are emotional acts that occur only when you are ready and this is also a way to build personal character.

The way to forgive a person is to throw out the incidence from your heart and mind. Forgiving is an action and the next step is to consciously stop all thoughts of revenge, of hurting the other person in return. Actually you are not supposed to forget what has happened to you rather you are supposed to forget the pain that was associated with that act. Anyone can commit a mistake and forgetting those mistakes is an integral part of being a good natured human being.

The benefits that accrue to you by the act of forgiving is immense. If you can bring yourself to forgive and forget, you are likely to enjoy optimal blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and a drop in the stress hormones circulating in your blood. The act of forgiving induces calmer feelings and physical responses which further helps to suppress the stress of anger and resentment.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. Life’s experience gives you the strength and confidence where you really stop to look fear in the face… You must do the thing you cannot do.

We should remember that the finest steel gets sent through the hot furnace. Every one of us should be a winner always. A winner is not the one who never fails, but the one who never quits.



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1 comment:

  1. How to forgive a person who are extremely selfish and surprisingly she is in the position of being mother where she always creates fight in between the children and even in many occasion she even arrogantly beat her son with her shoe in front of thousands of people at the railway station once without thinking of the image of well respected son , who was mistakenly framed by negative minded Individual? Even the son was beaten many times by his mother in front of his wife.. relatives and lastly in front of his own children just because the son advised his mother not to treat the maid in bad mamner as don't increase karma that being accumulated.
    His mother just get annoyed of the son who is strong Shiva Devotee for advising her of please don't increase her karma by torturing the maid. Its been 3 years the son stopped talking to his mother although living in same house. The maid was an old lady who was very poor was cursed many time by his mother with words which no one can tolerates . Pity the maid was sent back to her village after being tortured by the mother of the pitiful son. Can such mother's act easily can be forgiven althoigh the son had been forgiving her since he was child .. He even been pinched and slapped badly once when he asked his mother what is the meaning of curfew? He was only 12 that time.. can a mother behave such? Today the son is an engineer whom well respected by others but not by his mother or his sisters as his mother always like to gossip in between her children which she herself creates issues based on what she see.. Only GOD knows the pain of the son and the son's wife.
