Saturday, June 2, 2012


A Karmi reacts violently if results are not as per his expected level. He starts questioning god. His faith in god and prayer is often challenged. A Karma Yogi is an intelligent person. He also wants Success in his activity. He uses his Bhakti and prayers intelligently. He will tell himself; I work for success in life. But I pray for Samatvam (equanimity) whatever be the type of result. The very prayer increases his immunity of mind. If failure is his destiny he will have to face that. Life is a series of success and failures. No one can avoid it. Lord Krishna fails in his attempt to make peace with Duryodhana. Pray to god to give the mind to accept failure. This is the best method of reducing stress before the result comes.

Rama is ready for being crowned as an emperor by king Dasaratha and the entire Ayodhya was celebrating. An assistant Mantara of Kaikeyi could turn the whole situation different. Rama gets the news that he will not get the empire. Losing empire is one thing. Secondly he can’t live in ayodhya but live in a forest for 14 years. He was calm and composed on hearing the news. In our lives also many plans are bound to go haywire.  We should pray to lord to strengthen our mind to accept the situation as it comes as per the law of Karma. We should use our buddhi in such circumstances. Buddhi means right attitude which is the Karma Yoga attitude. Indication of Saranagadhi is lowering your anxiety level. Mental equanimity is spiritual growth.

World is unpredictable, uncontrollable and unsustainable. World has got beauty, Variety and Novelty but no stability. Since nothing is under our control relying upon the world for my peace, security and happiness is a risky proposal because I am relying upon the unreliable. Thus dependence on the world is risky. Self reliance is alone the best thing. We can learn to draw peace, security and Happiness from our own self. Self reliance is the success in life. I have to discover my higher self by self reliance in myself. A Gnani gives emotional support in a relationship. Agnani seeks support from relationships.

A Karma yogi will enter Gnana yoga after going through painful experiences. People desert him. You may continue to love others but don’t emotionally lean on any one. Don’t have any self pity but believe in yourself and be confident in your actions. Learn to draw peace, security and happiness through Gnana yoga.

Tell yourself; I want success but I don’t mind failure. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. The only preparation is doing prayer. Through prayer you strengthen your mind.

Karma Yoga by itself cannot give moksha. One has to do Gnana yoga. The only permanent source is ‘Atma’. Relationship is also not permanent. ‘Atma’ only can give peace, security and Happiness. You can enjoy the world but hold on to ‘Atma’ for peace, security and Happiness.

Lord Krishna talks about the role of karma yoga to Arjuna. Karma is meant to prepare your mind. It does not give you liberation but indirectly helps in liberation by preparing the mind. After karma yoga everyone has to go through Gnana yoga. One has to do Sravanam, Mananam and Nithithyasanam and discover oneself. Self knowledge is a compulsory step for liberation. As a karma yogi everyone can perform all the activities including worldly activities. We don’t have control over our karma palan.  Cent percent success cannot be expected in all our karmas. Special poojas can’t give success to anyone. We have to ask our self; have I prepared my mind to face unfavourable happenings like facing a failure? We work for success and pray for success. A karma yogi will also work for success but pray for samathuvam (equanimity). He pray’s to god to give him the result according to his karma or the work he has done and not what he desire. Spiritual success is equanimity with regard to success or failure. He prays to god to give him calmness, cheerfulness and confidence to accept both success and failure without any violent reaction.

An equanimous mind can learn from life. A violent mind will not learn from experience. A karma yogi learns from life even though he feels guilty. We can’t change the world or people and situations. What is required is not the transformation of the world but the transformation of myself. Viz. instead of cleaning a city I can better wear footwear and immunize myself. I can change from Karma yoga pradana life to Gnana yoga pradana life and gain self knowledge. Gnana yoga pradana life has three levels viz. Sravanam, Mananam and nithithyasanam. All the three put together is Gnana yoga. Sravanam is the study of spiritual scriptures under the guidance of a live acharya who has acquired knowledge and practiced the same for some time. I should see my real nature and receive the knowledge which is called sravanam. Getting all the doubts cleared and converting the knowledge to conviction is mananam. i.e. until I have no doubt about the vedantic teaching (Aham bramasmi). I should realize that I am the Wave and I am Water. Assimilation has to take place by dwelling upon the teaching (vedanthic meditation) which is called nidhithyasanam. I will have to soak in the spirit of knowledge.    

Life is like MBBS which means meaningless, Burdensome, boring and struggle. If you face this situation then you are facing the problem of samsara. If you overcome samsara you become enlightened by gaining Self knowledge.

Flexibility of the mind is called sangathagaga. We should tell ourselves; I want success but I will prepare my mind (emotionally) for failure.  I work for success but I am prepared to face failure. To be a parent is to accept the actions of our children.


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