Wednesday, January 2, 2013


There is a question among spiritual seekers about knowing about their spiritual growth. The question is am I growing spiritually or not.

One has to follow the spiritual discipline outlined here. This will help them in their spiritual growth. Reduce your attachment to external things and people. Claim that I am not the owner of anything and I am not the controller of anything. This is reduction of Raga or attachment. Directly proportional to attachment are two powerful emotions. One is Fear. Fear is directly the product of attachment. Surrender to God for whatever happens in your life. Surrender helps in reducing our attachment. For some others, their emotion called krothaga or anger will make them spiritually come down. Greater the attachment the spiritual growth is reduced. There will be a gradual reduction of all the 3 things which every human being is seeking throughout his life (Viz. Peace, happiness and security) if one does not follow the spiritual path.

We can follow the FIR principle.

Frequency of emotional disturbance should come down.
Intensity should come down.
Recovery period after attack of fear or anger should be fast (how much time I take to come back to normalcy). Self restraint indicates spiritual maturity. Spirituality requires this mental refinement. Develop the mind. Develop spiritually and surrender to god. Only when the mind is refined you are ready for serious enquiry.

Increase your CCC.

Calmness: I am generally calm.
Cheerfulness: Do not put a gloomy face. I should spread cheer around me in spite of ups and downs. Ex. Lord Krishna as a child undergoes many troubles but put a cheerful face at all times.
Confidence: I should be confident. Whatever be the pursuit, I will succeed by the grace of the lord.   

We cannot measure our spiritual growth by a scale like Richter scale (a logarithmic scale of 1 to 10 used to express the energy released by an earthquake) used for measuring the intensity of an earthquake. We can only perceive the same by seeing the changes happening around us.

Find out for yourself whether you are growing spiritually or not. You have to control your mind for which a lot of practice is required. When you start seeing a perceptible change around you then you can sense that you are treading towards the path to spirituality.
Be blissful.


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