Monday, August 11, 2014


Having the right attitude is what counts. One should have the correct attitude in order to lift himself up in life. A positive mind and happy upbeat attitude will help you succeed. A person living in a happy state generally gets much more in just everything they do. Bad attitude pulls you down and won’t help you get your goal.

Attitude advice from a pup

My dog Yahoo turned one-year-old yesterday and she celebrated the day by doing what she does everyday – living it to the fullest! How does a puppy understand that the attitude with which we approach each day goes a long way towards defining how the day goes for us?

If you assign numbers to English alphabets in the ascending order, starting from 1you will find the word ‘ATTITUDE’ will exactly count to Hundred (A=1, T=20, I=9, U=21, D=4, E=5). This is Amazing! It pays to have the right attitude.

We picked up Yahoo 10 months ago and she had been a part of our family since. I take her for a walk every morning and evening – in the cold, in the dark, in the rain and in the heat. I have learned from her the meaning of attitude. Every morning we start off on a journey, me with my thoughts already beginning to organize my day and Yahoo with an open mind and full of energy and excitement. Every day, she looks for the squirrels, cats and occasional worms that may be out that morning. It’s not the actual sight of them that excites her, it’s the anticipation!

Yahoo understands the power of a positive attitude and how that attitude will determine how successful she will be that day and in her life. The same applies to people. After all, what do people notice first about you? Your attitude! This first impression has a great impact on all your personal and business relationships, and the great thing about a positive attitude is that it is not a product of heredity. With the right training and personal discipline, anyone can acquire and develop a great attitude.

What will you choose – a Positive attitude or a negative attitude?
The choice of positive attitude itself is easy, but sticking to that choice no matter what the setbacks are can be difficult. Always focusing on long term goals is one key to getting past the inevitable bumps that may occur. Another good habit is maintaining a positive inner dialogue through daily affirmations or, as some people do, use visualization to keep on the right course.

If you want to develop a more positive attitude, then you need to identify and stop any current negative attitudes that you may have. You will need to understand any underlying causes of your negative attitudes and you will need to rid yourself of the habits that supports these negative attitudes. Once you have identified what it is that’s holding you back, you are ready to take the next step and analyse where you want to see growth and development in your life. In order for anyone to be successful, they must understand the importance of living their life with purpose and passion. And, this must be their own purpose and passion.

Yahoo has taught me a very valuable lesson. The day in front of us is all we have, so live it to the fullest. She does not think it is too cold, too wet or any of a thousand negative thoughts, and she just goes on her walk. Yahoo simply wants to go and greet the day, whatever it may bring. And now she has me doing that same thing. I look forward to the newness each day brings and enjoy it wherever I find it. By the end of our daily walk, we are both in a great frame of mind and ready to face the day. We should all strive for a very positive attitude, which is the call of the day.

The Positive thinker, sees the Invisible, Feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. One thing that stands in the way of Success is your ability to believe in yourself. A positive mind and Happy, upbeat attitude will help you succeed. A person living in a happy state generally gets much more in everything he does. Bad attitude pulls you down and won’t help you meet your goal. Positivity brings Prosperity.

 Always be Positive and be a Winner Always!

Be Blissful.


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