Tuesday, April 3, 2018


In the Uddhava Gita in the beginning of the teaching itself lord Krishna summarizes the Vedanta from the 6th Verse to the 12th verse in the second chapter. The essence of Vedanta is given here. One has to go through initial spiritual sadana Viz., karma yoga and Upasana yoga and through this, a person has to prepare his mind for Self-knowledge, which is called Gnana yoga. It is a systematic spiritual education program consisting of Shravanam, Mananam and Nidhithyasanam and through this Gnana yoga, one has to gain Self-knowledge. Our idea about our Self is a total misconception. It is a false Self or a pseudo Self which is Jivatma which is a misconception. I have to gain the knowledge of my higher real Self, which is Paramatma, through Gnanam.

It is very similar to waking up from my dream. When I wake up from my dream, I claim myself to be the waker, from which alone the dream came, which I identified with my dream body and which is not real. As a dreamer, I support my entire dream universe. When we are in dream, we never understand dream as a dream. Similarly, Vedanta says you are in a dream world, which you are refusing to understand. Gnana yoga is a method of Self-awakening, as your Self, as a super waker. Then I will understand that from me alone the dream came, from me alone the universe came and from me alone the universe is resolved. This alone is the knowledge for attaining liberation. Vedanta says “Uthista Jagradha” which means that you have to wake up (spiritual awakening) to your higher nature. Uthista means waking up and Jagradha means being aware of your Self. Vedanta says may you expose yourself to spiritual education program; may you wake up to your higher nature. This is the ultimate spiritual sadana. All the three yoga Viz., Karma yoga, Upasana yoga and Gnana yoga are required for gaining Self Knowledge. All the three types of yoga put together is Bhakti Yoga. Thus, lord Krishna concluded in the twelfth verse of the 2nd chapter of Uddhava Gita. Similarly, in the 2nd Chapter of Bhagavad Gita from 12th verse up to 26th verse, Lord Krishna summarized Gnana yoga.

Self-knowledge is not possible if you have a strong attachment to your body, family and near and dear ones. Attachment is the biggest obstacle, which you have to overcome in life. As long as I am attached, I will be interested in Artha (creating wealth) and Kama (desires). I think about earning and settling my family. Attachment to family and possession will keep me busy. Waking up to your super higher nature is the only way, which will make you confident and successful in life. A Gnani after spiritual awakening will say the world is not outside of me. The world is inside me and resolved in me.

For handling the mind, I should practice Yogabyasa, which is Chitta, Shutta virthihi. Mind should be able to obey your commands. Astanga yoga is useful for mind obedience. Enjoying the benefit of knowledge requires a disciplined mind.

Receiving Knowledge requires a Good Mind
Retaining Knowledge requires a Disciplined Mind
Assimilation of Knowledge requires a prepared mind.

By practicing yoga, an undisciplined mind can be disciplined.

Mind should be there for thoughts to happen. We never attempt to go to a thoughtless state. We engage our mind also during meditation; a state in which Vedantic thought continues effortlessly without my will. During Shravanam, Guru and Shastra generates the thought “that tvam asi” (you are that Brahman). After the student receives the knowledge, he does not require the assistance of Guru or Shastra. Nidhithyasanam is recollecting the knowledge, which has been collected during Shravanam. We don’t go to a thoughtless state. Our thoughts are undistracted by other thoughts during Nidhithyasanam. A prepared mind receives the knowledge easily without any effort.

Let us prepare our mind by the process explained above and attain Self-knowledge in the days to come.

Be blissful.



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