Monday, September 6, 2021


Age is an issue of Mind over Matter. If You Don’t Mind, it Does not Matter” Mark Twain.

The above statement means “The process of getting old is a question of mind over matter: If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”.

If I feel good, I will be good. If I feel bad, I will be bad. All is in the state of our Mind. If I have Mana Suddhi (Purity/ Cleanliness of mind) then I feel Happy all the time and I feel Fulfilled. True Happiness is like finding yourself.  Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings to YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life in the long run.

Psychologist and author David Weeks said a few decades ago “ageing definitely appears to be related to mood”. In his book, Secrets of the Super young: The scientific reasons some people look ten years younger than they really are and how you can, too!, he says the mantra to looking younger is being fit, having a Zest for life and being continuously interested in everything.

Middle age doesn’t look the way it used to. It’s become impossible to play the guessing game right when it comes to age these days. If you look stressed, drag yourself out of the bed on an everyday basis, you will look older. “The secret of those who look super young is that they live their lives to the highest potential – play a sport, habitually take care of their bodies and have a super positive outlook towards life”. Great stamina, takes years off a person’s face.

In fact, according to emerging medical research, if you look younger than someone of equal age, you may live longer than they will. And, if you look older than your age, medical science now tells us, you have a greater chance of dying younger! “How we think, work, spend our time, sleep, and even our approach towards ageing all play a vital role in how old we feel”. People who are curious, problem solvers and pro-active, look and feel younger. When we eat right, exercise on a daily basis and are mindful of our surroundings, we look younger.

“Your own perception of how old you feel can make a huge difference. More than age, it’s the attitude that makes you look younger. There is also more acceptance of ageing. Our generation is ageing more gracefully and adapting different options to look younger”. People above 50 are bungee-jumping, getting married, travelling the world and pursuing their heart’s desires fervently. Healthy lifestyle changes, exercise, yoga and de-stress activities are reversing the ageing process. People may be advancing age-wise, but getting old, as we knew it, is over.

Age is a myth today. Everyone wants to be young forever, and is working hard towards it.”

Have a nice day.

Be blissful

